About Us

Why Choose Us

We are Commited to Provide.

We are formed in 2010 to satisfy customer requirements for process equipment products. This business has developed well and is expanding successfully. Additional capabilities have been added to the organization to include technical assistance and support, installation, maintenance of products and design of systems.

Safe work environtment

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Safe system of work

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Suitable & safe equipment

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Supervision to ensure safely

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Our Steps

Engineering & Manufacturing Development Phase

Design and Analysis
The EMD Phase starts after successful design and analysis review, this is considered as formal start of any program. The goal of this phase is to complete the development of a system or increment of capability

We have clients in over 25 countries

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Our Team

Board Management

John Travoltage

John Travoltage

Robert Błaszczykowski

Robert Błaszczykowski

Marketing Director
Jerzy Brzęczek

Jerzy Brzęczek

R&D Director
Sandro Costacurta

Sandro Costacurta

Customer Care Director
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Head Office

Merres Building
Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman 50100
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia